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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Unpack Your Bags

I'm getting a kick out of how long mother nature is torturing us with winter weather this spring.

Monday, March 17, 2014: Chance of snow, 30% 80%.

I enjoy cold weather and all the fine accompaniments of the season. Low temps and snow (I love it, so I've been pretty happy this winter you might say), hot steaming beverages, frosty mornings, heavy blankets, holidays.

But I always look forward to spring. Next to daylight savings time, it's my favorite reprieve after an especially cold and snowy winter like we've had.

Then, in late spring, I can't wait for the most beautiful tree in Virginia to bloom - the spectacular flowering dogwood in pinks and white.

So…spring…please unpack your bags and move in, permanently!

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