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Sunday, June 10, 2012

A New Day


My darling brother passed away on Apr 30, 2012.

I have never been more heart broken.

Losing a close sibling is like losing a chunk of your heart and mind.

A cherished story that was on-going for my entire life has abruptly stopped. Memories will sustain me.

Even though right now I don't feel as though I'll ever get over it, I know it will get better, eventually. And that gives me comfort.

Thank God for my loving husband. I couldn't have done this without him.

Thank God for my mom who was his primary care giver.

Thank God for family that gathered and supported.

Thank God for friends, their kind words, and the many wise thoughts that they shared.


rachael said...

you are loved and missed uncle mikey

Penny said...

Thank you sweetheart. I still think of him every day. Hope you are well. Send my love to everyone.